Free tool

LinkedIn Hashtag Widgets

Raise your authority and credibility with the latest hashtag trends.

No one likes outdated information.

Sadly, researching the latest trends and information take a lot of time, energy and resources.

Then, you’d have to analyse and update existing content.

Rinse and repeat.

outdated content

What Are LinkedIn Hashtag Trend Gadgets?

This page features gadgets that provide you with the most updated data on LinkedIn hashtags.

Working professionals on LinkedIn rely on hashtags to:

  • Improve content discoverability
  • Simplify search for relevant content

Grow your website organic traffic by including these embeddable gadgets for free.

How To Embed The Gadgets On Your Website

  • Step 1: Copy Code

    Select any gadgets from the above. Click Copy.

  • Step 2: Paste The Code Into Blog Page

    Command + V , Ctrl + V or Right Click + Paste the code you've copied into your desired web page. Then, publish the changes.

  • Step 3: ... And That's It!

    All data on the tables and graphs will be automatically updated. Now your website will always have the latest data on LinkedIn Hashtags!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have a Chrome extension tool called Hashtag Analytics that retrieves real-time data on any LinkedIn hashtag.

It’s 100% free and open for public use.

Once you’ve embedded the gadgets into your blog article, the data updates automatically. Viva technology!

Yes, but not exclusively.

Competition for using these hashtags is high, so your post may end up being buried in a sea of content – all of which containing the very same hashtag.

Since the optimal number of hashtags for a post is 1-3, you should also consider adding at least one post-specific or niche hashtag at the end of  your post.