LinkedIn Training Service Provider Sees Steady Increase In Client Retention And Referrals

Key Outcomes:

  • Obtained at least 8 new referrals each month from using FILT Pod
  • Increased customer lifetime value; frequent customer contract renewals

With more people using LinkedIn as a content distribution platform to make their business known to their target audience, it’s getting challenging to get noticed by prospects without paying LinkedIn for exposure.

Based in California in the States, Marcus Saunders grew his team to support entrepreneurs and business owners alike to expand their influence and visibility on LinkedIn.

Rather than only benefiting for the period they pay to reach, Marcus’ LinkedIn training services gave his clientele formulas, strategies and skills that they could continue to employ for their businesses even after finishing their courses with Marcus.

Marcus has a solid process for every client he takes under his wing to follow. His team first studies the client’s LinkedIn profile, network and content. They also look into their client’s niche and target audience to design the best solution.

From there, Marcus and his team would provide a tailored solution that would help their clientele strengthen their influence and grow authority in their field. As a result, their clients could build a substantial revenue stream through LinkedIn.

An Increasing Concern Over Organic Reach

Marcus and his team were very good at their jobs. They were also very passionate about supporting their clients, so they would even hold pro bono LinkedIn workshops for their clients, regularly having a 70%-80% attendance rate.

He has many training programmes available, but the most popular one was his LinkedIn Profile and Reach Optimising Course. Marcus and his team would help those who sign up for this 7-week course build an All-Star Profile, robust content strategy, and a strong LinkedIn network. They would also help their clients monitor their LinkedIn profile’s growth and provide weekly reports.

Over the years he spent training clients to use LinkedIn as their primary lead generation platform, Marcus has noticed a consistent decline in exposure for LinkedIn users. His clients typically received only 500-800 views per non-boosted content despite his support and mentorship.

marcus saunders client's linkedin post metrics

Thus, Marcus sought a cost-effective solution that would make his agency’s services unique and more efficient compared to his competitors.

Exposure-Enriching Platform with No Risk to LinkedIn Profile

Many of his competitors used automation tools to grow their clients’ visibility and influence on LinkedIn. However, whilst they were quick-fix solutions, they left digital footprints, which meant LinkedIn could easily trace the use of these tools and flag them for spamming.

It’s why Marcus and his team wanted a safe, organic solution to protect their clients’ profiles and reputations.

Marcus was already a content marketing expert; he needed a better avenue to distribute his clients’ content on LinkedIn.

When he found FILT Pod, he first decided to test the content distribution platform for his own company.

His in-house marketing team boosted their company’s content by submitting them to FILT Pod’s platform for organic engagement. The platform was only used by vetted members and ensured timely and quality engagement.

Marcus was surprised to see his own content gaining more exposure than ever before, from 100-300 views to 2000-15000 views per post.

marcus saunders q4 2021 linkedin post

Increased Revenue for Agency and Clientele

When he saw his posts getting consistently better reach, he slowly began to introduce his loyal customers to use FILT Pod. Marcus received a lot of good feedback and decided to integrate FILT Pod as part of the solution package he provides to his clientele.


Whilst it only costs his clients $29.99 to use FILT Pod, he could collect an extra service fee of $300 with the higher ROI he could promise to his clients.

Services Charges per individual Charges per organisation
LinkedIn Profile and Reach Optimising Programme: 60-90 minutes of hands-on guidance weekly for seven weeks


Updated price in 2021:

$2500 plus $150 per person

Updated price in 2021:
$3000 plus $150 per person

Fee to FILT Pod:
Full access to a platform that injects well-paced engagement as means to support business owners in gaining more visibility on LinkedIn



*$29.99 for every additional LinkedIn account

Client Profile Metrics Before FILT Pod After using FILT Pod for 3 months
(as of 31st December 2021)



*the client sustains their outreach efforts on LinkedIn, which led to this amplified results




Profile Views (per week)



Average views per content



Inbound Lead Generation



With their highly improved ROI, clients ae happy to renew their contracts with Marcus and introduce new clients to him. As existing clients continue to extend their subscription to Marcus’ LinkedIn training services, he’s found that he saves up a lot on what he used to pay for new customer acquisition.

After integrating his company within FILT Pod’s wide community, he has also started to network with other members. Many of the B2B businesses on FILT Pod reach out to Marcus after learning about his expertise through the LinkedIn content he submits to FILT Pod for visibility boosts. Likewise, Marcus would recommend these businesses to his clients. 

Through this reciprocal partnership, Marcus could further cut down on customer acquisition costs.

I believe diversification is the key to success now. Diversifying your traffic sources is the best way to protect yourself from any algorithm changes or other unforeseen circumstances. And that's why I'm excited to use FILT Pod. Not only is it a great platform for getting more exposure for my content, but it's also a safe and reliable way to do so.

marcus saunders
Marcus Saunders

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